28 January 2015

Corina feat. Dorian Popa: Nimeni altcineva

Te fac o fapta buna acum sub clar de luna 
Pe-aceeasi banca de acum o saptamana 
Stabilim decorul pentru inceput. Plus un reper temporal. Am mai facut asta acum o saptamana. Ciudata exprimarea totusi. De obicei folosim "Te-am facut (fraiere)!" cand batem pe cineva la un joc: table, carti, popa prostu, CS...
Bonus in engleza unde "to do someone" poate insemna si altceva.
Pe-acelasi ri-i-itm pe-acelasi ga-a-and 
Imbratisand placerea si-apoi tremurand 
Deducem ca se repeta povestea. Acelasi ritm, acelasi gand; si probabil e la fel de intens ca prima oara.
Nimeni altcineva-a-a-a n-are iubire asa de mare ca a ta 
Macar stim ce conteaza. Iubirea trebuie sa fie mare. Conteaza si cum o folosesti e de preferat sa fie mare. 
O-oh ard ca Ana-n flacari
Care Ana? Imi scapa referinta. Stiu de o Ana ingropata in perete. Trebuie sa ma pun la curent. Trebuie sa fie o Ana care arde in flacari. Pleonasm oare?
Dupa un search pe gugal. Se pare ca exista Anna Lesko: Ard in flacari.
Cand am asa om langa mine sa dorm
Dar cu tine orice noapte-i fara somn
De ce sa dormi cand mai poti face o partida de table? O.o
Sa ducem un razboi in pat ca dacii si romanii
"Razboi in pat ca dacii si romanii". Trebuia sa repet. Eu stiu ca sunt niste glume cum ca romanii sunt urmasii lui Decebal si Traian, dar nu cred a la asta se refera. Sau poate joaca sah si nu table cum am crezut eu.
Doar tu ma tii in transa toate noptili - si-mi pierd mintili 
Ma faci sa uit sa-l pun pe ‘e’ in loc de ‘i’
E grav daca ajungi sa uiti sa-l pui pe "e" in loc de "i". Mai putin sesizabil in Moldova totusi. Adica nu e mare diferenta intre "eu" si "io". Pe de alta parte daca uita sa il puna pe "e" in loc de "i" inseamna ca el e obisnuit cu "i" si trebuie sa faca un efort constient pentru a vorbi corect romaneste.
Ia ia stai asa - propun sa mai schimbam pozitia 
Si-apoi subiectul ca ne ia politia 
"Sa mai schimbam pozitia". Hai sa mai joc si eu cu albele. Inseamna ca sunteti inca pe banca din primele versuri. Sub clar de luna. Unde ati mai fost acum o saptamana. Aveti grija cu politia! Jocurile de noroc sunt interzise in public. Cred. 
PS: M-am saturat de melodia asta. Am muzica pe fundal aproape toata ziua si o ascult cel putin de 5 ori pe zi.

16 January 2015

Si inca ceva

Da... cam asta voiam sa spun daca as fi fost mai clar in exprimare. Multumiri, Cristian Tudor Popescu.

A modern day Thanatos

          Have you have wondered what is to be on the edge? What is it to be literally one step away from death? To have your whole life before you and decide that until that very moment you did nothing that could carry any significance. It is the biggest decision you have to make. And then it hits you. What had happened means nothing; it is in the past. It doesn’t matter anymore.
          You can change everything and even if you fail, well, at least you tried. You can accomplish anything; you just saw what really matters. You will twist your life around and make this moment the one that will define your new life. Nothing will bring you on the edge again because you now know that nothing if permanent. Except that one step you were about to make over the edge.
          So walk back, turn around and never come back.
          But you slip. You lost your footing and now you’re falling. And boy, that’s a lot to think of when you have to fall for twenty seconds. If it happens that you manage to turn around and look at the place you fell from you may see me. But that is not a thing you should wish for. Because it means that you will die. It’s the end. If you had a chance of surviving the fall, but seeing me is the proof and the seal that you’re on a one way trip.
          That’s because I am the angel of death; a modern Thanatos. Though to be precise I am not “the angel” but rather one of them. And do not try to imagine me as a human with white or black wings, dressed in a robe. That’s actually very insulting toward us. What would you feel like if I were to portray you as a pig? You may feel insulted. Then, what would you think if I add wings. Funny, am I right? But you are still a pig. I do not like being portrayed as a human.
          But for your sake it may be easier if you imagine me like a human. Your imagination may fail if you have to hear something about a protagonist you can’t visualise. So I’ll allow it. Think a little about what do you want the main character look like? Should I be tall, well built, blond or black haired? Black hair, because I am the angel of death? And wear trench coat? Whoa, that’s pretty badass! Except that I won’t be doing any shooting. What do you think about wearing a black suit? Let’s keep it classy.
          Okay. Enough with that! It is not important. Not even for the sake of the story.
          So I am an angel of death. My job was taking people lives. It was. Now is just a hobby. It is something that I do out of pure boredom. You humans are doing a great job killing each other without any help. Then why am I doing this? Well, as I said, I am very bored. Not such a long time ago, achieving a certain number of deaths was actually quite a problem. But now you are so many and it is so easy to meet the quotas. If someone would have told me that I will have time to spare millennia ago I would probably just have sent him ahead.
          It was such a hard process. We were told that we only had to kill a certain number of people. Not too many, or we would remain jobless. So we had to be careful when we chose those we should send away. I think you call it survival of the fittest. I guess you are right in a way. Only that we were the ones taking them. Like a farmer that chooses from two apples on a branch. He must cut one down so the other can grow bigger.
          Once in a while we would start a war or a plague so that we could get a break. And then we would take it from where we left it. But hey! You did very well. Look where you are right now. You reached a point I would have never imagined you would. I fear that will come a moment when meeting the quotas will become a job again. It may be even harder than before. But at the moment I am not worried. Famine, war, greed are still doing well.
          So, let me tell you about my hobby! Obviously I can’t simply go sky jumping or growing bonsai. It’s still related to death. But now the focus is on the way in which it is done. Not the quantity, but the quality. What? The quality of death is a touchy matter for you? And what would you do? Are you going to stop listening? Okay. You do that! How sensible we are. You know, your turn will be coming too. No one lives forever. Not even me, except that I haven’t discovered what kills me yet. Maybe this boredom will do it.
          Mais revenons à nos moutons! Yes. I know French. Shame on you if you don’t! As I said my hobby is bringing a certain twist to my job. Not in an obscene way. I do it with little intervention by changing one little detail. In the example above I simply made his feet slip. I agree. It is not something very complicated. But this is just something I did between jobs. I have seen him standing there and I don’t like missing an opportunity.
          I must confess. I have this one addiction. I love to see look in their eyes when they see me just before they die. I told you that I couldn't imagine that you would reach this point as humans. That’s because we can’t see the future. So it is as much of a surprise for us as well because we do not know what you see in that moment. Well, it’s my addiction but it has nothing to do with my hobby.
          Now that you had a paragraph of time to think about my hobby you may think that is not such a big deal. I mean imagine a heart surgeon doing an open cord intervention. A less than a millimetre mistake and the patient will die. But that is not really much of an achievement. I mean, hell, the man is with his chest open. Obviously it doesn’t take much more for him to die.
          I prefer to take a healthy man, maybe at the peak of his existence, and by changing one little insignificant detail I would make him suitable for a date with the last lady. It is not easy. I fail way too often. But it is expected as I choose only the ones that have only a small change to die. If I succeed I see always the same kind of reactions: “It was his fate!”, “A tragedy” or “Bad luck!” That is the absurdity of life and death. If I fail, I leave him alone. I won’t intervene in his life again and let him die of old age. Would you take this chance? It is a small chance of death against a long life. I guess you probably would take it.
          I am not the only one with such hobby. I met one angel one, let’s name him Greg. I have no reason to hide his real name, but I don’t know how to pronounce it, less so write it, so you can understand it. He was certainly an odd one. He did his job by letting other people live or what he liked to call No good deed goes unpunished. Maybe his most notable example was when he spared a certain soldier from another, during World War One. He made him look like he was wounded and the one who had him in sights got merciful and let the second leave the war alive. What followed probably put us all on break. Even Greg did not expect that result. Since then is trying to replicate the result, but with only minor successes.
          Then there is Drew. This guy has no sense of finesse. I guess I could call him a sadistic bastard. He told me that his favourite method for doing his job (I would call it otherwise but in his case would be a lack of respect) is keeping the victim in front of otherwise avoidable death. Like one time he bragged for keeping someone at the bottom of a pool despite the fact that one was a good swimmer. No one could explain his death. Or in another situation he would keep someone on the train tracks until the train hit him.
          He was truly a sadistic bastard. But one thing remains from my discussion with him. Apparently when he was holding these people before their deaths they were able to see him. I really wonder how we look through your eyes. I would certainly like to have a discussion with one of you. He was also pretty interested in this. But I guess no one is in the mood for a talk when impeding death is coming his way.
          Oh! And another thing! When he held that guy on the tracks, the guy was able to interact with him, like in trying to push away from Drew. I wonder if you would be able to kill us this way. I bet you would like to try it. Although there is one little grandfather paradox: You can interact with us only when death is unavoidable.

          Well I guess this is all for tonight. It is almost dawn and I most go. I still have something to do, something related with my job. So sleep well. I will return in the evening and I will tell you more. And maybe you will also talk to me. Sleep well!

13 January 2015

Inca ceva...

Am vazut aseara o parte din comentariul lui Dragos Patraru in legatura cu libertatea de exprimare... si m-a pus pe ganduri. Poate gresesc. Apoi am citit cateva articole pe kmkz.ro cateva articole pe acelasi subiect.

Poate gresesc. E foarte posibil sa gresesc. Si totusi parca nu ii pot "ierta" pe umoristii aia.

Nu faptul ca si-au exprimat opinia a contat, ci felul in care au facut-o. Iar faptul ca din cauza asta au murit niste oameni care nu erau implicati in vreun fel nu pot sa il ignor.

E bine totusi ca nu am schimbat canalul. Uite de asta e bine sa iti setezi niste limite. Nu il suport pe Dragos Patraru, la fel cum nu il suport nici pe Banciu sau pe Badea. Mistocareala asta nu ma atrage in nici un fel. Si din cauza asta puteam rata o argumentare foarte buna. Pentru ca imi aleg sursele si am ales sa nu urmaresc emisiunile lor.

Si cu asta renunt la subiect. Pana la urma depinde de fiecare cum analizeaza situatia.

10 January 2015

Rugaciunea Clovnului

Je ne suis pas Charlie!

            Je ne suis pas Charlie!

            Eu nu sunt Charlie! Nu pot sa ma identific cu respectiva publicatie.  Nu imi propun sa apar in nici un fel teroristii. Crima e crima si nu este justificata in nici un fel. Nici nu o sa condamn in vreun fel scriitorii de la Charlie Hebdo.
            Dar. In opinia mea nu a fost un atac la libertatea de exprimare. Pentru ca nu consider ca cei de la Charlie Hebdo reprezinta libertatea de exprimare. Poate doar libertatea de exprimare la un nivel extremist. Asemeni celor doi teroristi care nu reprezinta comunitatea sau religia islamica.
            Da. Libertatea de exprimare e sfanta! La fel e si Dumnezeu pentru mine. Si totusi tu lovesti in acea parte din mine fara nici un fel de consideratie. Am vazut o caricatura Charlie Hebdo cu Tatal, Fiul si Sfantul Duh. Nu voi descrie caricatura. Poate fi gasita foarte usor. Daca as fi intalnit acea caricatura intr-un ziar romanesc sau oriunde altundeva nu as mai cumpara ziarul respectiv, nu as mai accesa acel continut. Pot exista doua rezultate: eu nu ma mai simt atacat, iar ziarul poate fi afectat in urmar unor scaderi ale vanzarilor.
            La momentul de fata nu sunt cunoscute toate detaliile, dar se presupune ca atacul ar fi cauzate de caricaturile reprezentandu-l pe Mohamed. Poate ca asa e. Dar in opinia mea Charlie Hebdo a oferit doar pretextul unui atac. Pentru teroristi orice tinta ar fi fost la fel de buna, dar publicatia Charlie Hebdo indeplinit mai usor rolul acesta.
            Nu consider ca asemenea tip de publicatii ar trebui interzis. Da, asta ar fi un atac la libertatatea de exprimare. Dar in momentul in care alegi sa te exprimi in acest mod, trebuie sa iti asumi si faptul ca e posibil sa devii o tinta. Iar acest risc nu planeaza doar asupra autorului, ci si a acelor din jurul lui. Riscul acesta nu ar trebui sa existe intr-o societate normala dar exista indivizi predispusi la acest gen de violente. Iar cu acestia nu poti rezona. Si atunci ce faci? Te abtii de frica lor? Poate. Sau poate iti impui o anumita moderatie.
            Si totusi e o limitare a dreptului la libera exprimare. Dar poate cineva sa isi asume moartea acestor oameni pentru faptul ca nu s-a putut abtine de la un articol mai incisiv? Merita? Poate esti dispus sa risti viata ta, dar ai dreptul sa risti viata unor alte persoane? Nu ai acest drept. Nici teroristii nu au acest drept. Nimeni nu are.
            Eu nu sunt Charlie. Pentru mine Charlie nu reprezinta libertatea de exprimare. Ei sunt pur si simple victimele unui atac terorist, iar pentru acest lucru pot transmite condoleante. Pentru acest lucru imi pare rau.
            Am vazut un articol in care Calin Nicolescu afirma in final: „Je suis Mircea Badea! daca trebuie”. De acord in sensul in care aparam libertatea de exprimare. Dar prin actiunile lor Antena3, B1 si restul posturilor de acest gen tin Romania pe loc, o dezbina promovand ura. Antena3 nu e un canal satiristic, e un canal de stiri undeva in top 5 al audientei.